“My date with my partner went really well after our session. I feel like everything has started aligning so much more clearly now. I feel so much more at peace with everything – even things I feel like I should probably be more stressed out about. Thank you soo much again, you’re definitely my angel.
I was feeling really lost in life, physically and emotionally and knowing something needed to give. After my session with Jasmine I felt almost immediately better, but it got progressively better as time has gone by. I can really feel everything aligning and I feel so much peace even in stressful situations where I may need to feel more stress. Things feel clearer and I’m much more confident with myself and trusting myself. She’s the angel I need in this time in my life <3 I can’t wait to continue working with her! Thank you again!”
— Talisa M., Arizona
“Thank you for [our session] yesterday. I believe in you and you’re amazing. You’re rare af. I loved your talk on healing our inner child!! You’re so authentic and relatable to people like me who struggle with the same things.”
— Sam W., Texas
“Thank you for helping me heal. The Universe sent you to me, when I needed guidance. You are a divine goddess, stay bright, always.”
— Aaron S., Washington